I went to a “Story Slam” at
Kieran’s Pub in Minneapolis. People went up and spoke short stories that had to
be less than five minutes and then assigned score keepers would hold up scores
from 0-10 and if you agreed with the score everyone would cheer and if you didn’t
then people would boo. I thought the overall atmosphere was really fun and
enjoyable to be at, but the stories and poems were really bad in my opinion.
The theme was “rebellion” so people told stories about mostly college or their
first job, people were getting high scores and I don’t really know why. One of
the people said, “Half the pit was in the sun, and half of it was in the shade,
so the black people should sit in the sun because their skin is used to it
while the white should sit in the shade because our skin isn’t” (Talking about
taxi driving). Which I thought was so not PC I was embarrassed that he said
that out loud. Another part of the night that I thought was uncomfortable was
when people talked either really quietly or really loud. One woman went up and
read a poem about rebelling against conforming society which I feel like would
have been a really great poem but she spoke so quietly my dad and I couldn’t hear
anything. The only word I heard was “Wikipedia.” All the other people were kind of creepy and
if I didn’t voice record the entire show on my phone I would have completely
forgotten what they spoke about.
The best part of the night
easily was the M.C., she was hilarious and in between the people’s stories she
would talk about her own rebellion and it was so funny. The best story she told
was when she was talking about getting drunk before a Lutheran candle ceremony
and she was “sticking it to the Lutheran church because she was catholic,” but
she ended up setting her hymnal on fire. She would be the reason I would go to
one of those again but otherwise it was awkward and I didn’t have very much
interest in the readings.
Sarah- And I expect your dad's feelings were similar? I'm sorry it was so negative. I also wonder who the MC was. Did you get a name? Did you take any pictures? I'd suggested a photo and a response to one poem in particular which might be what you're getting at w/ the Lutheran/Catholic story, but you don't note any particular language or approach that helps me see what you saw. This post doesn't go as far as I'd asked in the assignment.